Lorelou’s book “En frosk i fjorden – Kunsten å bli norsk” (A Frog in the Fjord) was published in Norwegian on the 24th of March 2017 with Norway’s biggest publisher Cappelen Damm. Paperback, pocket, ebook and audiobook versions are available here.
What is the book about?
The book is about her life as a foreigner the first year she was in Norway. It compiles experiences most foreigners go through here, from Easter to 17th of May, summer holidays in Northern Norway and how Lorelou understood, often misunderstood the Norwegian culture, language and people.
It is only available in Norwegian right now, but will become available in English in early 2021. Stay tuned!
National coverage in Norway
The book got national media attention in Norway, in TV shows (Lindmo, Urix, God Morgen Norge), radio programmes (Nitimen, Verdibørsen, NRK P1) and many national and regional newspapers. Several extracts from the book have been published in Norwegian media, such as the chapter on the 17th of May in Aftenposten, Dagbladet, etc.
Click here to download a sample of the book or buy it at one of the many outlets where it is available.
Book Reviews
Some of the reviews from GoodReads.com